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What's New?
What's new V0.73
Unfortunatly during a house move I've lost my list of alterations/upgraded but there's a LOT :-)
What's new V0.71
- Funkboard will now work with register_globals on or off
- More encryption added
- Auto delete of message older than 'x' days option added
- Added [center], [blockquote], [list] and [rev](try it!) bbcode
- Altered the number of pages display
- Improved user tracking so that you can see what each caller is doing
- Added better checking of OS & browser types
- Added link converter so all text starting with www is converted automatically to a link
- Added extended info box option to index page
- Added manual and auto backup of database
- Added option to turn forums on or off or make visible to certain levels only
- Autodeleteing of unused accounts now deletes priv messages to that account
- Added PNG format avatar uploads
- Added realname & DOB fields in register
- Altered email message header info
- Fixed search bug when mixed case was being used
- In admin added 'number of callers in last hour'
- In admin added 'number of posts since 'x''
- In admin you can now makes notes for each user
- In admin you can now do a user search by user number
- Certain sections moved from global.php to seperate scripts in a new inc directory.
Plus many other small alterations.
What's new V0.70
- Major security issues dealt with
- Added multi language. Currently only English and Dutch are available. If you want to translate into another language please let me have a copy of the new language file
- Added cell highlight to index
- Added 'number of viewers' to each forum
- Altered the way the number of pages available is displayed
- Fixed the problem with [b]bold[/b] and [i]italic[/i]
- Altered the quote display. Quoted text is now seperated by a thin border
- Added restricted forums. Forums can now be restricted to certain user levels For example you can set a forum so that only mods & admin can view
- Fixed the cookie path bug
- Logging out now removes user from whos online list
- Added received message confirmation to PM messages
- Added Admin configurable registration options. You can now choose which options are compulsory
- Fixed unsubscribe bug
- Added regtext.php - If you want a message to be included in the registration email just create a file called regtext.php containing the text you want added in the main directory
- Added PM message waiting flag to the thread etc screens
- When deleting a catagory you now have the option to delete all the forums/threads too
- Improved the 'General Info' display in Admin
- Added a notepad to Admin
- Added printable and exportable user lists to Admin
- Upgrade and install now automatically delete the install scripts
- Funkboard will not run if install scripts still online
V0.66 > V0.66 - February 2005
Again, loads of mods. I can't list them all as I lost my logs during a hard drive crash
Instalation is now MUCH simpler and there have been some major security issues dealt with in the admin section
V0.64 > V0.65 - November 2004
There's been over 60 major/minor updates in this release. Only a few are listed.
Message Board Updates:-
- New Topic, Reply and Edit screens now have click on icons for smilies,BBCode etc
- 'Sticky' topics can now be made unsticky
- Delete All option added to the private messages
- Added ICQ and YIM links.
- The way text is quoted has been altered.
- Bug that occasionally set thread dates to 1st Jan 1970 when a message was deleted has been fixed
Admin Updates:-
- Major re-writes to most of the admin files. They are now a LOT easier to navigate using a lot more 'point and click' screens
- You have the option of allowing users to enter their own password or emailing them a random
password. By emailing the password it also verifies the email address that they have entered.
Minimum length on new passwords has been set to 6 characters.
V0.63 > V0.64 - September 2003
Message Board updates:-
- Bug in multi-page display in thread.php & forum.php fixed
- Quote reply added
- Users can now hold polls
- 'Sticky' topics added
- Little icons added to show which posts are new
- Private message area now displays whether a message has been replied to or not
- Avatars added
- Added smilies to private messages
- Last Login date displayed in member list & profile page
- Fix for 'page refresh' on some systems
Admin Updates:-
- Multi-admin login added
- You can now set up names that users cannot use to register with such as 'Admin'
- You can now edit/delete/read/reply all private messages
- Autodelete read private messages x days after they have been read
- Increased the number of o/s & browser types recognised by the log
- Added 'referer' log
V0.52 > V0.63 - May 2003
Message Board updates:-
- After log-in you are now automatically taken to the main screen after a 2 second pause
- The search now accepts multi word searches (with AND / OR options) and author searches
- You can now post a private message from the private message area.
- Private message section now displays text of old message when entering reply.
- Pictures and smilies can now be used in the sig line.
- Announce section added.
- While displaying the thread listing, clicking on the authors name will now display the authors profile.
- Where a user has chosen to hide their email address it is now still displayed to Admin
- When the posts are displayed the posters location and number of posts are now displayed under his/her name.
- Replies can now be displayed either with new messages above of below old posts.
Admin Updates:-
- Option in admin section to disallow anonymous posting
- General info section added to Admin. This displays some general info such as the total calls, number of posts, last caller, version number etc.
- Browser types and OS type info. Again, in admin, you can now see what browser type and OS your callers have used.
- You can now disallow anonymous posting.
- I've added a small selection of pre-defined colour schemes.
- When you modify a category all the old info is now auto entered into the config screen.
- IP banning has been added
- Banning a user is now much easier. Just click on 'Ban User', enter the users name and they are banned :-)
- Verify posts option added. You can now set up areas where new messages are not displayed until they have been verified by admin/moderator.
- IP Logging option added
V0.51 (by Paul Murphy) to VCF0.52 (by Colin Birch) - Feb 2003
- I've fixed the multi-page problem with the forum and topic list screens.
- List of threads now show the last posters name as well as the last post time
- Bad language filter added
- When you start a new topic you have the option of being informed by email when that topic has received a reply
- User editor in the admin section now allows you to alter all the users details
- Forums can be made 'read only'
- Posts to forums can be restricted to certain groups
- Admin informed when a new user registers (switchable)
- Members list now displays date joined
- Altered the word 'preferences' on the top right menu to 'log in'. People didn't have a clue what 'preferences' was for
- More info about retrieving lost passwords added
- User list can now be made private so that only logged in users can view it
- During registration a user can 'hide' his email from others
- Lots more icons & smilies added
- Lots of security issues dealt with
- Private Message section has been integrated into the program with new functions
- Multi coloured text commands added to BBCode
- Email message if someone attempts to log-in to your admin panel using wrong name/password
- Assorted little 'cosmetic' bits and pieces
- A few things that I've forgotten about but I've done anyway !
Copyright © 2003-2011 - Colin Birch